Alternatives to 1890 Numbers
1890 numbers are disconnected as of the 31st of December 2021. Please get in touch today!
Any business or organisation with a 1850, 1890 or 076 number need to switch to a new number as soon as possible.
Please get in touch with Kendelbell Kimmage for alternative arrangements.
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The alternatives to 1890 are 1800 or 0818
Kendlebell Kimmage can help your business migrate to an 1800 or 0818 number.
1890 numbers are due to be disconnected, so if you have a number in this range, you need to make alternative arrangements and move to a new number.
Vodafone is disconnecting all 1890, 1850 & 076 services on the 31st of July 2021
BT & Eircom & Virgin Media are disconnecting all 1890, 1850 & 076 services on the 31st of October 2021
Kendlebell Kimmage has an alternative number and can handle the transition to this number with you.
Get in touch with Kendlebell Kimmage to get your new number or read more about the disconnection.
1800 Numbers
1800 numbers allow the callers to contact companies free of charge from anywhere in Ireland (including mobiles). It’s a well-known fact using a freephone number will increase the enquiries your advertising produces – people like something that’s free – given a choice between two adverts offering the same sort of thing – you’d ring the one with the Freephone number first.
- More than 80% of people know that 1800 numbers cost nothing to call
- Freephone numbers give you a competitive marketing edge
0818 Numbers
0818 numbers enable people to call you from anywhere in Ireland for the price of a national rate call (before any discounts), and you don’t pay to receive the calls.
- Ideal for Service / Information calls as the caller pays for the call
- No Charges for your calls (land line delivery)
You may be interested in our other Virtual Telephone Number services
Information and helplines
1800 Numbers
1850 Numbers
1890 Numbers
Alternatives to 1850 Numbers
0818 Numbers
Geographic Numbers
Out of Hours Voicemail
IVR – Interactive Voice Response
Irish and UK Non-Geographic Telephone Numbers
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Here at Kendlebell Kimmage we provide a quality service and we know our customers value using an outsourced Phone Answering Service and a Virtual Office Service! If you are interested, give us a call. We would be happy to help you.